Post-Construction Storm Water Control Overview...

Storm Water Program

Trumbull County Storm Water Management Program:

This is a program that was mandated by the federal government. U.S. EPA expanded the Clean Water  Program by promulgating storm water discharge regulations for urbanized areas. Ohio EPA has been authorized to implement U.S. EPA's regulations that requires Trumbull County to prepare and implement a Storm Water Management Program (SWMP). The SWMP has to address the following six minimum control measures:

  1. Public Education and Outreach informing individuals, businesses and organizations within the MS4 as to the impact on surface water quality of contaminated storm water discharges and how they can help reduce storm water contamination.
  2. Public Involvement/Participation creating opportunities for individuals and organizations to participate in the development and implementation of activities to reduce the contamination of storm water.
  3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination a program to detect and eliminate cross-connections, dumping of wastes or other non-storm water discharges not authorized by a separate NPDES permit.
  4. Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control a program to require erosion and sediment controls for sites disturbing one or more acres.
  5. Post Construction Storm Water Management Control a program requiring the development, implementation and maintenance of controls on sites after development and redevelopment to address storm water pollutants and flow issues.
  6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping a program to minimize pollutants from municipal operations such as garages, salt piles, pesticides used for green spaces, etc.

For more in depth information about the Trumbull County Phase II Storm Water Program go to the County website at:

Pollution of Concern:

In urban areas, storm water runoff occurs when precipitation from rain or snowmelt flows over the ground and pick up pollutants along the way. Impervious surfaces in urban areas like driveways, sidewalks, and streets prevent storm water from naturally soaking into the ground, where pollutants may be filtered out. The storm water flows into the storm sewer system and is directed to the local waterways. Anything that enters a storm sewer system is discharged untreated into the waterbodies we use for swimming, fishing, and providing drinking water. This kind of pollution is called Nonpoint Source Pollution (NSP). This kind of pollution, you can not point your finger at the pollution.. 

For more information on the Clean Water Act and Nonpoint Source Pollution:

To read more about the pollutants in urban areas:

Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff

After the Storm PDF

After the Storm Video

For more information about storm water check out the following:

Trumbull County Soil & Water Conservation District

Ohio EPA Division of Surface Water